UI-UX designer, Front-End wed developer,
Web Marketing certified, 3D designer
©1996-2025 Gianluca Panebianco

3d architecture: Paladozza in Bologna

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3d architecture: Paladozza in Bologna

Realized in 2001 for Oiko, the Paladozza in 3d project has been commissioned from Fortitudo Bologna Basketball, one of most important basketball italian team.

Paladozza 3d models has been realized in every detail: this architecture was fully modeled in each parts: the basketball court and its e arena, studies of Radio Bruno, Nextra Internet Point, Fortitudo Store, Paladozza restaurant and cafe 'Trublù', dressing rooms, press area, and so on.

Paladozza Basketball Arena in Boulogne, 3d model

Anyway, 3d modeling and rendering was only a part of the entire project, who provides a Flash application to make a full virtual tour of this architecture by the web. This flash application was realized for low-bandwidth users, and published on Fortitudo Basket Bologna official website between 2002 and 2004.

So, each web user can view this architectural 3d project using this Flash application, passing by a room to another using mouse and directional buttons. In earch room, moreover, there are many informations to find interactively, as photos, text and audio mp3.

3d Bologna The building of Paladozza in Boulogne (Italy) in 3d
3d architecture bologna The basketball arena of Paladozza in 3d
architettura bologna Radio Bruno room, official Fortitudo's radio

Modeled entirely with Lightawave 3d, architectural 3d model show the original sponsors used on Paladozza during my inspection onoctober 2001.

Renderings for external architecture was realized in Lightwave 3d 7.0 with radiosity active: a Skydome was added to the scene for best results.
Paladozza arena (basketball court) renderings are also created with radiosity.
Regaring internal rooms renderings, they're made using spotlights and pointlight clusters.

Realized since july 2001 until february 2002.

The Paladozza 3d virtual visit Flash application remained online on Fortitudo Basket Bologna official website until 2004.