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The future of videogames, panel with many experts

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The future of videogames, panel with many experts

October 28th, 11:20AM - Viewconference 2016, Turin (Italy). In this panel participated Siobhan Reddy (Studio Director at Media Molecule), Adam Gazzaley and Matt Omernick (respectively Chief Science Advisor and Chief Creative Officer of Akili), Marco Mazzaglia (Video Game Evangelist T-Union), Pietro Righi Riva (Co -founder Santa Ragione).

In the opening they start to speak about of virtual reality (the true leitmotif of this Viewconference 2016), Pietro Righi Riva says it is a "mess", because today the game industry has reached a high level of knowledge in storytelling, but now with Virtual Reality these standard aren’t valid anymore: everything must be reinvented and it is necessary to have a new and completely different approach, a new control system ... on the other hand, Siobhan Reddy says to feel herself excited because she is always fascinated by the process of reinventing.

Then, the discussion goes to the fact that new technologies - today's VR, but in the recent past, mobile devices - open a new scenario of video games to new target groups, such as women or mature people.

Mazzaglia remember that women are also fundamental as game-makers, for their completely different way of thinking and approach to problems than males, besides being able to do many more things that males cannot do. Riva agrees with Mazzaglia, saying that in his team today there are 50% of women. Siobhan Reddy is said in wonder of this high percentage, claiming that it would be enough that in a team female game-makers would be only 30%.

In terms of use of video games, however, it is important that they are entered in the lives of many women, even for a short time a day: Farmville is a clear example of this type, and used by thousand of female maybe only for some minutes a day: not much, but it’s a completely new and important starting point.

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