UI-UX designer, Front-End wed developer,
Web Marketing certified, 3D designer
©1996-2025 Gianluca Panebianco

User interface design for a laser measurement software for the production of tyres (2011)

Home > Portfolio > User interface design for a laser measurement software for the production of tyres (2011)

User interface design for a laser measurement software for the production of tyres (2011)

This project involved the realization of a artificial vision measuring System (laser + videocamera + software) for the optimization and supervision applied to the production of tires with the aim of improving the quality of production.

The system is based on a linear laser beam for illuminating the area to be controlled, and by two cameras for capturing images of the sample for calculations.

The software designed by Taiprora acquires a series of images and processes them through a specific algorithm to checks if the tyre characteristics pass a series of dimensional checks. Then, the software displays the results on the screen.
In case of values out of tolerance, specific alerts are shown on the interface, and the System is able to automatically stop the production line to allow operators to do specific manual checks and verifications to let the tyres pass all the tolerance checks. This is to avoid that production continues to make tires to be discarded.

This project was made in 2011.

Role in this project

Within the Taiprora development team I worked as UI designer for the desktop Windows software, providing the development team with the graphic elements to be implemented in C ++ language.


The client is the Italian production plant of a multinational in automotive sector, tyres manufacturer; it sells its tyres in over 150 countries, and employs 105,000 people (these data refers to 2011).