UI-UX designer, Front-End wed developer,
Web Marketing certified, 3D designer
©1996-2025 Gianluca Panebianco

Rome EUR vector map

By Gianluca Panebianco

Rome EUR vector map

Art. Code: GV0016
By Gianluca Panebianco
€ 56.00
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In what consist the demo version?
The demo version contains a small portion of the complete product. It is to be used only for compatibility evaluation with your systems, not for other purposes.

Vector map of Rome - EUR district (Roma quartiere EUR, Lazio, Italy)

Map of Rome EUR in vectors, made with Adobe Illustrator CS6 for professional purposes: any company, agency or freelancer can buy a license and use this map to accelerate their work.

The map is divided into different layers, each for different types of objects: for example, a layer for the waters (sea, rivers, lakes, ponds), one for green areas (gardens, forests), one for street lines, a different layer for labels (names of streets, subway stations (M), bus stations, etc.), a layer for icons.

Vector map of Rome EUR: technical description

This map has been completely drawn in vectors, based on Google Maps data. Its main features are:

  • Vector map created with Adobe Illustrator CS6.
  • Multilevel vector map: each layer will include the objects of a particular type; for example, a layer will include all the gardens, one will contain the rivers, one of the addresses, points of interest, etc.
    • you can customize the map, changing the colors of objects, color and / or thickness of the edges in a few clicks, doing massive operations in a very easy way.
  • All texts (street names, subway stations, bus stops, points of interest, etc.) will be selected and editable:
    • you can change the font type, size, color, of all texts;
    • The map is provided with all the texts in Gotham font, available for free in Google Fonts website.
  • To ensure the area covered by this map is "ok" for your needs, please check this preview version of the map of Rome EUR in JPG format linked below:

End user license for multiple projects but for a single user

These maps are sold with a single user license:

  • The license is valid for one user only (individual company)
  • The user who purchases the license may use it for their projects, but can not transfer the license to other companies if a project has been already complete.
    • For example, if you are an agency or a freelance, you can get a license to build one or more jobs for yourself OR for your client. In this case the license will be transferred to your client and you can't use it for your internal / personal projects.
    • If you need to develop other projects for different clients, you will need to purchase a new license.
  • For more information, please refers to the "Licenses" page